Ficmac is one of the most important specialized cancer medicine centers in Colombia, which for the year 2021 planned to continue innovating through web page design, aligning itself with its advances in the health sector.
As a result of this motivation, Ficmac finds in Tuatara, as a Digital Marketing Agency, the strategic ally to plan, design and develop its main custom-made digital asset.
Consequently, the agency receives international recognition that highlights web page design in the medicine category.
Next, find out about this recognition and learn about one of the most interesting success stories of Tuatara Boutique Agency👇
Tuatara, as a Digital Marketing Agency, gains worldwide recognition for the design of the Ficmac website

Web Excellence Awards promotes excellence in web page design and establishes requirements to highlight distinguished websites, according to a series of pre-established categories, with the purpose of recognizing creative ideas, business models, and innovative technologies on the Web.
For this occasion, Tuatara Boutique Agency participated in the medicine category where web design in the health sector is awarded, receiving the good news of being the Digital Marketing Agency deserving of this worldwide recognition for the design of the Ficmac web page: “Ficmac web UX/UI for oncology industry Website | Medical”.
Ficmac’s website was created with its target audience in mind: doctors, patients, and the sales force, with an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, allowing it to maintain a look and feel that recalls the empathy and humanity of the brand.
Find out everything about the recognition given to Tuatara Boutique Agency, here.
Now, do you want to find out what preceded this award and the client’s views on this process? Continue reading👇
The need for Ficmac: a web page that will increase its value proposition
Ficmac, as a pioneer IPS in specialized cancer medicine, needed a website that complied with all computer security standards and that would function as an information center for patients and doctors, and, in turn, as a commercial tool to publicize its services.
In other words, Ficmac sought to transform its old website, which until then was perceived as «flat and empty», according to the client, transforming it into a new website that would meet these needs and achieve:
- Disseminate the investigations carried out.
- Disclose the portfolio of services.
- Educate the medical staff and patients.
- Digitize and optimize processes with technological tools.
- Guarantee compliance with current regulations for IPS.
How make a web page increase its value proposition?
After analyzing the need for Ficmac and analyzing how to increase its value proposition, the following work objectives were set.
General objective
Planned, designed, and develop the Ficmac website, under UX, UI, and Performance criteria.
Specific objectives
- Collect all the information regarding the project and define a clear north (SCRUM).
- Create a Design Sprint process being faithful to the graphic resources and look and feel of the brand.
- Develop the software under a manageable CMS.
The strategy of our Digital Marketing Agency for Ficmac
The strategy contemplates the Design Sprint methodology, created by Google and adopted by Tuatara, as a Digital Marketing Agency, for the creation of digital assets. It allows the software to be designed and validated in 5 phases, to streamline the process, reduce resource costs and avoid reprocessing.
To delve into each of the stages of the Design Sprint, we invite you to read: Case study: Website💻Colquímicos
The design of the Ficmac website under the Design Sprint methodology
1. Research and structure in web page design:
In this stage, we sought to align and organize the ideas and information in such a way that the entire team was clear about the product to be developed.
A Brief and SEO-oriented work was carried out, carrying out keyword research and an understanding of the industry, where the meta titles and meta descriptions for the content of the Ficmac website were established.

2. Information architecture:
In the second phase, we sought to outline the different paths that the information would have, and objectives, among others. In addition, the content was organized and the user’s possible navigation through the website was defined, working on everything that has to do with UX designs.

3. Wireframes:
The user experience (UX designs) was validated. Versions of the different screens included in the Ficmac website were made, without the graphic parameters of the brand. This phase allowed us to improve browsing experiences.

4. Mockups:
Here the design of the interface was made, with what the user finds (UI designs). The brand manual and the guidelines defined in the first stage were used to set the colors, fonts, button functions, and visual effects. The foregoing, is with the aim of ensuring that the final product is in accordance with the graphic guidelines of the brand and its communication.

5. Prototype:
Navigable mockups were carried out, that is, they resembled the page experience while being functional without the need for programming, covering the entire UI/UX design.

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The development of the Ficmac website
A robust web page was created that integrated a large volume of information and revealed years of research in specialized medicine on cancer pathologies and different ways of approaching them.
Finally, the objective of the development of the web page consisted of landing the approved mockups in the most faithful way possible, through custom development, with clean and clear code for search browsers.
For this success story, the following technologies were used: WordPress, PHP, HTML CSS, SASS, JavaScript, and MySQL.
Browse and learn about the design and development of the Ficmac website. Here!
Manual of use and administration of the Ficmac website

At Tuatara we develop web pages that become a digital asset for our clients, who are given a manual for their administration, and a detailed recording of their use is carried out.
The Ficmac website manual describes the use and administration of each of the sections developed during this process, to give autonomy over the digital asset to the client.
It should be noted that, in the development of the website, we contemplate 6 months to provide support in the event of any eventuality that is within the criteria of good functionality of the page.
The development and design of the website from the client’s perspective

To culminate this process in the best way, we interviewed with Rosa María García Hurtado, Ficmac’s market access leader, to find out the client’s perception of the development and design of the website, and the work carried out. between the digital marketing agency and the specialized medicine center.
1. What are the digital perspectives and challenges facing the health sector in Colombia and how does Ficmac want to face them?
The challenges that we have perceived from Ficmac are the following:
- Create an integrated digital ecosystem: Where it is possible to form a solid community around the health sector. This is for Ficmac, as well as for any of the organizations such as EPS, IPS, research centers, and government organizations, among others.
- Generate relevant and differential content: For each target audience intended for different social networks. Ficmac intends to generate all kinds of communication without falling into technicalities, bringing concepts to a common language and keeping in mind an educational approach.
- Raise awareness about different pathologies: In this case, about those related to cancer, for this reason, at Ficmac we want to work on infographics, videos, and podcasts to explain simply the biomarker guides, important for cancer research, with an explanatory purpose about this disease and its prevention in some cases.
- Carry out Corporate Social Responsibility actions: For this, testimonials and life stories are generated about people and families who have been immersed in the reality of cancer and the success stories that we have had in our years of research and diagnosis.
- Integration of all the actors of the health system: The last challenge identified is the need to find mechanisms to integrate patients, doctors, and public and private organizations, among others. Digital transformation is an opportunity to meet this challenge.
2. Why did you decide to renew and design the Ficmac website?
The web page that we had at Ficmac previously seemed flat and had a lot of information, so it was not clear what we do. For this reason, we wanted to visually renew it so that it would become more attractive. It was a challenge for us to take such technical information and make it clear, organized, and appealing to our target audience.
In addition, we wanted to take into account the elderly population, for which we thought of a page that would be to their needs, taking into account the font, size, and legibility, among others.
This was the result of the design of the web page that we carried out with Tuatara. Along the way, we have the support of the agency to improve the processes and challenges that were presented on the page and that are already corrected.
3. What were Ficmac’s expectations when hiring a digital marketing agency like Tuatara, in the development of the website?
After carrying out the Ficmac website, we can say that we liked Tuatara’s interdisciplinary work since his team could understand our requirements that were too technical. They always looked for ways to optimize processes and they showed us different alternatives to improve the user experience (UX designs).
4. Did it improve the experience of the patient, the doctor, and the commercial force, who interact with the web page?
The improvement of the user experience is being analyzed at a quantitative level, however, qualitatively a clear improvement in the user experience (UX designs) is perceived, due to having an eye-catching page, with good quality images and 100% fresh.
Both the doctors and the commercial force have stated that they are happy with the design of the web page since it has become a tool that we use in the marketing area and the commercial area to increase our value proposition.
5. How do you think a digital marketing agency like Tuatara can support other processes carried out in specialized medical centers? Would I recommend Tuatara?
A Digital Marketing Agency like Tuatara can support the creation of content for social networks, which is currently being worked on by Ficmac, but it may be possible to hire an agency at some point.
You could also work on everything that has to do with WhatsApp business, the guidelines, among others, to consolidate our community, allowing loyalty. Additionally, we would like to work on TikTok which is booming, share tips easily and quickly, and be inspired by content that is currently being made.
For now, we hired Tuatara again for the creation of software (PWA). We hope it will be an internal CRM platform to strengthen relationships with patients and doctors, and thus achieve traceability of their history.
Finally, we do recommend Tuatara, for their unconditional support and their quality creative processes.
We had a good result, and that’s why we want to make Tuatara the new PWA because we are sure that we will have the support of a good digital marketing agency.
Tuatara – Digital Marketing Agency in Colombia
At Tuatara we are a Digital Marketing Agency expert in the design of web pages, for different industries. We approach each project through innovation, to provide companies with the possibility of creating digital assets that support managerial goals. We use good delivery practices for our projects: documentation of each stage, editable designs, backups, and security analysis, among others. All these files are delivered in digital format, and arranged in the cloud, thus allowing our clients to access them safely. If you are looking to develop your website and obtain a business digital transformation, find out about other success stories and contact us for advice. 👉 Here!
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