Key Capital and Tuatara: Digital growth strategy for a financial sector company

caso de exito Key capital con Tuatara

Key Capital is a prominent private investment bank, specializing in the structuring of guaranteed investment vehicles in real estate. It focuses on investing the partners’ own capital and advising individuals with liquidity surpluses, offering them the opportunity to invest with excellent returns and real estate guarantees.

The company is made up of a team of highly qualified professionals, including financial experts, lawyers, and tax specialists, which enables them to conduct in-depth analyses and structure businesses effectively.

Why did Key Capital seek the support of a digital marketing agency?

Collaborating with a digital marketing agency became essential to strengthen Key Capital’s digital presence, optimize communication with their audience, and improve lead generation through integrated digital strategies.

This included the use of social media, digital advertising, and email marketing. The goal was to fully track the origin of digitally generated leads, analyze their conversion points, and better integrate the commercial team, enabling an efficient measurement of digital efforts.

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How did we do it?

The main challenge was to accurately assign the touchpoint of potential clients across different acquisition channels. For example, we optimized email marketing, a channel through which leads in 2022 responded positively, resulting in six commercial deals that generated significant revenue within six months of working together.

We also revamped the brand by identifying that the graphic line could enhance engagement with target audiences. This adjustment in graphic resources and communication resulted in the organic attraction of potential clients interested in our investment portfolio.

In terms of digital advertising, we acquired over four hundred leads, achieving a 495% improvement in the cost per lead (CPL) over five months of work. This performance exceeded the expected KPIs, and at the final stage of the conversion funnel, we optimized 67% of qualified leads during the same period.

What’s next for Key Capital and Tuatara?

With these results in email marketing, social media, and digital advertising, we are already projecting four future deals for the first month of 2024, which will represent 70% of the income for the last half of 2023. This indicates that by the first quarter of 2024, we will have reached our commercial goal in half the estimated time.

To continue strengthening our integrated digital strategy, we will prioritize the implementation of SEO in both marketing and technical aspects to maximize Key Capital’s digital visibility. This will include optimizing the website for search engines, improving technical aspects, and creating relevant, valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of our target audience.

Additionally, we will develop an editorial content strategy to position Key Capital as an expert in investment funds, using blog posts with search intent, case studies, and financial analysis to attract visits to our digital asset and increase brand trust. Finally, Key Capital, strengthened by its collaboration with a digital marketing agency, has made significant progress in its digital growth strategy, consolidating its leadership in the financial sector. We aim for this joint effort to continue paving a promising path towards future business.